Transparent Teal Star

Sinetron. Bleah.


What the hell is wrong with Indonesians? They always watch shitty programs such as sinetron, tear-jerking "reality show", etc etc etc. With no hint of education. At all.

The "reality show" always showing those tear-jerking about poor people and how they live, how sad their life is, exposing almost every aspects of the poor's life. Sometimes even the host is crying to trigger audiences' tearducts to start bursting tears of 'sympathy'.



"Oh my God they're so poor and I pity them."

And the sympathy ends together as the credit is rolling. Tsk.

Let's put the reality show with fake pities. What I hate more than that is Indonesian lame drama called SINETRON. Yea you guys who has been living in Indonesia for all of your life must have known this shit is going relay everyday. Like every hour is ALWAYS this sinetron. And there IS a TV station which always show sinetron, like no other qualified TV show.


Let me tell you why I hate shits like that.

Actually the problem is only one.


The story line is always based-on-Cinderella.

You know, the main lead usually a girl, around 15 to 17, or even YOUNGER. Wore no-makeup look, had a single parent or NONE (either died or missing or whatever), ALWAYS bullied by step-family such as step mom, step sister, etc etc etc. And the main character NEVER fought back. She accept all the bully such as slaps, tackles, water splash etc etc etc. And the main lead ended up cleaning all the mess, weeping on her bedroom (most of them are uglier than my late pet's sleep-towel), and pray. While crying, "God why am I like this."


But what differs Indonesian sinetron and Cinderella is, THE FAIRY GODMOTHER APPEARED. Out of nowhere. POP! "Don't cry my darling you will be just fine with some magic!" And there stood six finest horses, the rider, and a super nice pumpkin cart. The Cinderella went to the party, and you know the rest of the story.

BUT. That does NOT happen in sinetron. In sinetron, the main lead keeps praying and nothing happened. I pity you. Even your God is not willing to help you because you don't even show any sign you're going to fight back. Ridiculous.

I mean, how long can one survived being bullied everyday, given super small amount meal, cleaning a ridiculously huge home, and doesn't even snap a vein? Not only at home, usually also at school. Being bullied for the missing or dead parent status, despite she's very clever (seriously? you can still put some intellectual shit after super tired being bullied and only given a meal in amount of Chihuahua's dinner?) and attractive to some top school idol guy. Bleah. I bet you're going to look worse than maid after do all the household chores, splashed by water everyday, bruises from slapped here and there, and puffy eyes for crying everyday.

And the fact she's being attractive to the main male lead (whose rival at school likes), made her bullied more. And yet SHE STILL DO NOTHING BUT PRAY. Bitch, please. We all know we have to pray for whatever we are going to do, but if you didn't move your ass off and do some work, you'll get NOTHING.

And the last but with no less stupidity: the main lead's real parent (single, usually). You know, when the father remarried, he took the whole new family into his outrageous castle-like home, where his new wife and her daughter (never found a son before) can bully his real daughter in front of his nose and yet he still do not realize what happens in his household. WHAT SORCERY IS THIS. And it's 50% is his daughter's fault because she keeps insisting herself not telling her dad that stepmom and stepsis bully her everyday, and she has no evidence or whatever, or she's afraid breaking her father's heart into pieces knowing his self-chosen wife is worse than Dolores Umbridge.

In Cinderella, the story develops quickly as soon as she went to the party, lost her shoe, found by Prince, and they live happily ever after. Sinetron? NO. The process from bullied to go to the party took like 5467981354897 years to happen. Which causing result of the series goes for another 625971498719875197487 episodes before it ends. And after it ends, usually the sequel comes up for more 5-6 seasons.

The scene and wardrobes are also.......urgh. Explain this to me: who the fuck wears DRESS on DAILY BASIS? See the stepmoms. They always wear full makeups, "nice" dress (which I rarely find those are in my regular standard of "nice"), HEELS while walking from bedroom to toilet, even wore anti-tornado fake lashes to sleep or bed scene. WHOA. Bitch please, those ultra-mega-thick falsies will stab your boy right in his eyes and bled to death while you two are making out.

The school scene is never better though. The students always wore the it-shrunk-after-being-washed shirts (which looks like the button will pop anytime and show some flat tits) and super short skirts (I think my short pants is even longer than those), and neon accessories such as abundant huge bangles that cover up to half of the girl's triceps, huge earrings in less tacky colours, and visible makeups (don't forget the anti-tornado falsies). BLAH. Which school will allow its students to appear in school gate looking like sluts?

Okay. Stop with the ugly and readable plot. Move to the Indonesians themselves.

1. Although sinetrons hit success and high ratings, the producer is RARELY an Indonesian. It's always (mostly) INDIAN from Punjabi family. Ask those who still watch sinetrons, who is the producer? Their name will end with Punjabi. While the other talented Indonesians like Riri Riza, Mira Lesmana, etc are producing oneshot movies with MUCH higher qualities. But, OH THE IRONY. Most audience love the Punjabi-production shits more than the movies with qualities. SERIOUSLY? Give me a break.

2. It turns out most people who still watch sinetrons are from less educated middle-low class (I say MOST. Didn't say the higher class will never watch crap like that, there ARE higher class society who still watch crap), which is saddening. Those who are already less educated, facing the fact they can only watch shits like that because they cannot afford tv cable, become more and more dumb. And since their kids also watch craps with them, the kids became pretty fluent on tricking their parents, playing dirty tricks towards their friends, etc etc etc (examples are pretty clear on sinetrons). ACTUALLY, instead of degrading their brain volume by watching crap, they can SKIP those shits, watching some more news about surrounding events and worldwide events. Our local tv is not only about shitty sinetrons and reality shows. But NO, they choose being dumb. Well, people had the right to choose. Unfortunately, mostly choose the highway to epic dumbness.

3. The censor body sucks. Although sinetron has no vulgar words or visible sexual content, IT HAS NO SIGN OF INTELLIGENCE. EVEN NOWHERE NEAR DUMB. It's all way below dumb. All I can see in a sinetron is lousy scripts, ugly plots, and over-use of makeup and changing-camera (please add in comments if you have more idea, I'll update). Yet (most) people still tend to like those. SIGHING HEAVILY.

4. The characters have no charisma. Even the main lead who always pictured as a kind-hearted girl who always pray, never fight back, always put on a (fake) smile, humble, etc etc etc. It's all crap. No one in this world is like that. Even saints fight back sometimes. And also Jesus (He flipped the merchant tables, remember?). The main lead is always someone who over-kind she's so close to retard. And the antagonists will always win, 90% of the happiness belongs to the stepmoms and stepsis and rivals. The main lead only had below 1% happiness and sits still while the other 9% is being stolen. Stupid bitch.

5. Teaching shit. Not educating, sinetron taught kid of MBA (married by accident), sexual assaults, how to lie to parents, how to cheat your friends nicely, how to act innocent even though YOU are to blame, taking a middle-aged millionaire as your husband and poisoning him so you can have all of his wealth, etc etc etc. All bad things were shown super clear you don't need to think, and easy to follow, too. GOOD JOB. That's why Indonesia will never move from the Dumbness Swamp.

I can list all the uglies sinetron has. Yes it's easy to see flaws from something else, specially when the thing has NO GOOD. Leave comments, I'd like to see your opinions :)

OOT. Just get back from the toilet to pee, I found the door closed. When I opened the toilet door, THE SMELL OF FUCKING CIGARS BURSTING OUT LIKE OIL FOUNTAIN. Seriously, this SUCKS. My workmates SMOKE inside the toilet while taking shit, and worse, closed the door so the smell won't come out. I WAS INSIDE FOR LESS THAN A MINUTE AND MY HAIR REEK OF FUCKING CIGARS.



I need to get an astronaute suit by the next time I get inside the toilet. Genius.

I fucking hate you, smokers (for my smoker friends, I might like you even more when you stop taking those shits inside your lungs and stop burning money. If you don't want the money, just give it to me rather than spending it on cigars). I hate the fact you're being ignorant for killing people around you slowly. If you want to reduce your lifespan, please do it on a secluded place or at least wear helmet when you're smoking. Suck your own smoke. DON'T SHARE ON THIS ONE, ELSE YOU CAN.

If I were to be a president, I will close all the cigar factory (let one open and set a super high price for a box, like IDR150,000 for 12 sticks)and open up a mega-huge clothing factory, which I will be the designer. Then do mass-production. Next time you see scholarship and soccer sponsors, it will be a fashion factory, not cigars like present. VOTE ME LOL. Just kidding. Politic sucks. But if I were .... (back to the first sentence of the paragraph. Endless loop LOL).



  1. wkwk panjangnya xD i hate sinetron, and cigaratte as well!
    nice post ^^

    1. iya lagi pengen ngomel kemaren ini vee xDDD mmg sinetron itu alat pembodohan masal! --a roko juga! huh! -3-
