Transparent Teal Star

Cathy Doll White Tofu Mask Review

Hello! It's been awhile since my last post of a review. I think I needed to be a bit more active in writing reviews and not once-in-months style blogger lol. And apparently after months not writing any reviews, I found a LOT of beauty items ready to be reviewed, be it skincare or makeup. I'm hoarding a lot since then hahahaha.

Cathy Doll. The name sounds so cute, and chubby, and pretty. At first I wonder where this brand comes from, since at that time I first heard about Cathy Doll (will be shortened to CD after this), it was when all Thailand cosmetics going viral such as Kiss, Pasjel, and all those whitening skincare (which has quite tempting advertising and 'proofs' but I'm not a believer of "instant result" plus I believe someone's skin cannot be whiter than the original tone, so I left it alone) and it somehow kinda looks like Thailand product, so I thought it's from Thai but turned out it's from Korea.

I actually wasn't really attracted to the product since it's a bit expensive to my taste though still affordable, but then I saw a promotional ad on my phone from Rakuten's LINE account which said some CD products were on discounts, and I nonchalantly opened the link and found White Tofu Mask was on 50% discount!!! Who won't be tempted over that "50% OFF" sign?

So I bought it. Yeah. Impulsively.
Click to enlarge
Let's (finally) take a glimpse on what it looks like. 

I think I won't be too detailed on the package, since there are already a lot of beauty bloggers who did that and I'm pretty sure you won't fancy the idea of reading the same definition of "cute". As it can be seen, it's dominated by yellow with tiffany blue plastic cap. Nothing special about the packaging. It's not too big, not too small, but since it's a mask and it's not for everyday use,  170 ml of this wash-off mask may lasts you more than half a year and it's quite a good time for (around) USD16 per jar.

Description according to product
(can be found on the jar, third picture)
"Back to the originally pure, clear, brighten skin with abundant nutrient extract from natural soybean, yogurt, royal jelly, and soy oil."

How to use
1. After preparing your skin with toner, apply an appropriate amount over the face avoiding eyes and lips area
2. Massage and leave for 5-10 minutes
3. Rinse off with lukewarm water

Upon unsealing the jar, there was a strong vanilla smell coming from the mask. Even though it's called 'tofu', it smells nothing like tofu as in your Chinese or Japanese or Sundanese food menu *laughs*. For those who doesn't fancy strong-scented skincare, this CD White Tofu Mask probably is not the one for you. The smell itself is even strong when applied on your face, but as minutes go by, the smell fades away to softer vanilla scent. Probably it's my nose got used to the smell or the smell does fade away *no idea lol*.

The texture is soft, like thick yogurt cream and it has this cooling sensation when applied all over the face. Like it? Definitely. I like everything that has cooling sensation, so this one is definitely a yes-I-like it. The cooling sensation is not anywhere like minty-cold feels, but feels more like applying aloe vera gel, soothing cold. 
Even though the instruction says 5-10 mins, I usually left it for around 15-20 before washing it off. Is it fine? I don't know, but so far I always leave it for 20 minutes and my skin is still fine. Moreover, it's not being sticky on your skin, it only feels like you're applying too much moisturiser *laughs*

After washing off the mask, my skin feels a lot lot better. Better on the hydration, and more supple, and definitely smoother. The smooth feeling lasts for around 2 days and it does make applying make up go easier and I have dewy look skin without applying anything with shimmer nor do I wear something like Etude's Nymph Aura Volumer. 

+ It does make your skin smoother, more suppler, and hydrated
+ It's nice for 2-3 times a week usage, but probably not for everyday use (and it sure is troublesome to use wash off mask everyday)
+ Affordable
- Strong smell of vanilla (ugh). TOO STRONG TO BE HONEST.
- Available in online shop only

Contents: 170 ml
Contains: Soybean, soy oil, royal jelly, yogurt
Price: ranged from IDR150,000 to IDR220,000 depends on where you buy it

Buy it again?
No. I'll probably look for something with nicer smell. I just can't stand this kind of strong smell that invades my nose everytime I apply this mask. If this mask doesn't have that kind of smell (I already dislike vanilla scent in the first place), I will definitely buy this thing again!

Have you tried this mask? Leave a thought on the comment box! Or maybe if you have any suggestion on similar wash off mask but with gentler scent, I really appreciate if you want to share it!



  1. packaging nya lucu yah XD sayang bgt km g suka sma bau vanillanya pdahal hasilnya kayaknya bgus, efek smoothingnya sampe 2 hari ^^

    Tori Chu

    1. iyaaa bau vanilla nya nusuk banget buat ku, padahal efeknya bagus banget kayak buat dipake sehari sebelom event yg butuh kulit mulus kayak wedding sodara atau apa, lebih gampang buat makeup dan lebih glowy gitu difotonya. Sayang banget kenapa wanginya vanilla huehehehe XD

  2. aku pake ini juga ga ngerasa efek apa2 jd males makenya lagi ahhaha ._.

  3. aku pake ini juga ga ngerasa efek apa2 jd males makenya lagi ahhaha ._.

    1. Mungkin kulit mu udah lembut jadi ga terlalu efek :p kulitku agak kering jd lumayan berasa kalo baru pake, tp ya gitu gak tahan lama juga, paling lama 2 hari terus udah balik lg ke awal hiks ;_;
